General conditions of use of the site

Welcome to the website (hereinafter referred to as “ Site »).

These General Conditions of Use (hereinafter referred to as “CGU”) are concluded between:

Lthe NOSE company, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 111,340.90 euros, whose head office is located at 20, rue Bachaumont in 75002 Paris (France). It is registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 534 386 818. Telephone: +33 (0)1 86 47 72 76. E-mail address : (hereinafter referred to as “Nose”),


LInternet users who connect and browse the Website, (hereinafter referred to as “Users” or “The User”).

1. Purpose and application of the general conditions of use

The purpose of the CGU is to govern the rights and obligations of Users when they connect and browse the Site. (i) from their own access system (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) or (ii) from iPads and/or self-service terminals made available to them in the Nose store or those of its partners. Nose strongly recommends that you read all of these provisions carefully. Where applicable, Nose invites the User to read the specific conditions of use of its partners for the use of iPads and/or self-service terminals made available by them.

1.2. Their purpose is not to inform the User about the conditions and terms of ordering, sale and delivery of the products offered for sale on the Site, nor to govern the rights and obligations of the parties for the sale of the products. products purchased by the User on the Site, nor to inform Users about the processing of their personal data and their rights. For more information, herein CGU are completed by the Terms & Conditions of Sale, by the Confidentiality charter, and by Cookie management charter also accessible from the bottom of the Site page by clicking on “Terms & Conditions of Sale”, “Confidentiality Charter” and “cookies”.

1.3. To create an account on the Site, allowing an olfactory diagnosis to be carried out or to place an order, the User is systematically invited first to read and accept the T&Cs by checking the box “ I accept the NOSE conditions ". Consequently, opening an account implies, on the part of the User, their full and unreserved prior consent to the T&Cs.

1.4. For any further information on the T&Cs, Nose can be reached at the number +33 (0)1 86 47 72 76, and by email to the address as well as at the store located 20, rue Bachaumont in 75002 Paris (France), during the opening hours of the service indicated in the “Hours” section of the Site. If necessary, the User can also contact Nose’s partners.

1.5. The Site is published and operated by the company Nose, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 111 340,90 euros, whose head office is located at 20, rue Bachaumont in 75002 Paris (France). It is registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 534 386 818. FR intra-community VAT number: 47534386818. The Publication Director is Mr. Nicolas Cloutier, in his capacity as President of the company SSA SEVEN SENSES ADVISORS (simplified joint stock company with capital of 2,573,700.00 euros, registered in the Paris trade and companies register under number 513 242 214, whose head office is located at 8, rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris, France), herself President of the company NOSE.

The Site is hosted by the companies:

(i) OXEVA, simplified joint stock company with capital of 86,852.70 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 481 681 724, whose head office is located at 5 Rue de la Terrasse, 75017 Paris (France). You can contact the host by mail at the above address or by telephone on + 33 (0)1 80 05 97 30;

(ii) OVH, simplified joint stock company with capital of 10,069,020 euros, registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419 00045, whose head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix (France). You can contact the host by mail at the above address or by telephone on + 33 (0) 9 72 10 10 07.

2. Nose’s commitments and responsibilities

2.1. Access to the Site

2.1.1. Nose implements all means at its disposal to ensure Users’ access to its Site. However, Nose cannot guarantee operation without interruptions or disruptions to access to the Site. In particular, Nose may be required to carry out maintenance work and updates to its Site to adapt its content and/or integrate changes to the services and functionalities offered there, which may temporarily interrupt its access.

2.1.2. The user can access and browse the Site free of charge without first creating an account. In particular, he can discover the Nose concept and the products sold on the Site, as well as find out about current events in the perfumery and cosmetics sectors. The user can also consult the section « FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions » to obtain more information about Nose, the functionalities of the Site as well as the world of perfumery and cosmetics.

2.1.3. The User must, where applicable, create an account or connect to their account to carry out an olfactory diagnosis, benefit from the functionalities linked to the account and order the products offered for sale on the Site.

2.2. Creating an account

2.2.1. The User can create an account on the Site, by completing the appropriate form via the Site's home page ( In addition, they can also create an account from the iPads and/or self-service terminals made available to them in the Nose store or those of its partners, with the assistance of their teams.

2.2.2. To create an account on the Site to carry out an olfactory diagnosis, the User must indicate their last name, first name, email address, password, date of birth, gender as well as postal code and country of residence, then click on the icon “ Save and go to diagnostics ". To create an account on the Site to order a product, the User must indicate their last name, first name, gender, date of birth, email address, password, telephone, address, postal code, city and country of residence.

2.2.3. When creating an account, the User must enter a password. This password must comply with the dialing rules that appear. Nose draws the user's attention to the need to keep their password strictly confidential. In particular, the User must refrain from communicating it to third parties and saving it in their internet browser. If the selected password is compromised, the User must immediately change their password, either from their customer account or by resetting their password in accordance with the terms of article 2.2.5.

2.2.4. From the home page of the Site, the User can access their space “ My Account », located in the menu bar at the top left, indicating your connection credentials. Once connected, the User can consult the functionalities:

(i) « My Account », allowing him to access his profile, his addresses, the history and tracking of his orders, as well as to manage his subscriptions to Nose Newsletters and to update his data;

(ii) « Mon Diagnostic » olfactory, allowing him to consult his portrait, his preferences, recommendations, evaluations and favorites, as well as to produce a new diagnosis;

(iii) « Ma Gift Card », allowing them to consult the balance of their gift card or to offer a gift card to a loved one.

2.2.5. If the User has forgotten his password, he simply needs to access the “ My Account ”, located in the menu bar at the top left, then click on the “ Password forget » and enter your email address and validate. The user will then receive an email from Nose allowing them to change their password by following the instructions specified in the email.

2.2.6. The User can also find their account identifiers from the iPads and/or self-service terminals made available to them in the Nose store or those of their partners, with the assistance of their teams.

2.3. Olfactive Diagnosis

2.3.1 Nose offers Users the opportunity to carry out an olfactory diagnosis online. The user is invited, if necessary, to indicate their olfactory preferences via a questionnaire. At the end, Nose draws an olfactory portrait of the user and then recommends five perfumes. The creations proposed by Nose are in no way equivalent to those that the User has provided.

2.3.2. Carrying out an olfactory diagnosis is free and can be repeated as many times as the User wishes. A summary email is sent to the User at the end of each of their diagnostics.

2.3.3. If desired, the User can order the perfumes or samples of the perfumes recommended to them (the “Sample Kit” consisting of five samples) or go to the Nose store or those of its partners to test them. and continue their olfactory diagnosis, with the assistance of their teams.

2.3.4. The acquisition of a “Sample Kit” allows the User to benefit from a “Promotional code” in the amount of twelve euros, usable during your next purchase on the Site, excluding samples, by indicating it when validating your basket. The balance of the Promotional Code must be used at once. The Customer cannot combine several Promotional Codes for the same order. In addition, the Customer cannot use his “Promotional Code” when using his Gift Card balance.

2.4. The Gift Card

The User can offer a “ Gift Card » to a loved one by indicating their name and that of the beneficiary, select the email address to which the gift card will be sent and enter the amount of your choice. The user can also choose to send the Gift Card by post or collect it in store. The balance can be used by its beneficiary on the Site or at the store located 20, rue Bachaumont in 75002 Paris (France). In addition, the user who has himself benefited from a Gift Card can consult the balance by clicking on the “ My Giftcard balance » after entering the gift card number received jointly with the Gift Card and then clicking on “ Enable ". The User can use the balance of their Gift Card by entering the number associated with this card in the appropriate box during the ordering process on the Site. The use of the “ balance Gift Card » or the activation of the “ Gift Card » will automatically deduct the associated balance from the price of the order.

2.5. Responsibilities of Nose

2.5.1. Hypertext links

Hypertext links may be inserted on the Site and direct you to third-party websites of Nose. Nose draws the user's attention to the fact that it exercises no control over these websites. Consequently, the User acknowledges that Nose is neither responsible for the accuracy of their content, nor for their compliance with current legislation.

2.5.2. Access, navigation and use on the Site

Nose draws the User's attention that the internet network is not secure. It is up to the User to take all appropriate measures to protect their data, software and devices. Except in the case where the User accesses the Site from the iPads and/or self-service terminals made available to them in the Nose store or in those of its partners, it is their personal responsibility to set up the IT resources and telecommunications allowing access to the Site. Any related costs are his sole responsibility. Nose cannot be held responsible if the non-execution or poor execution of the T&Cs is attributable either to the User, or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party unrelated to the provision of the services provided for in the T&Cs, or to a case of force majeure.

3. User commitments and responsibilities

3.1. User behavior on the Site

3.1.1. In general, Users undertake not to use the Site in violation of the law and regulations in force. In addition, they undertake to respect all the provisions of the Terms & Conditions of sales.

3.1.2. Users undertake to use the Site as a reasonable person placed in the same situation, with regard to other Users, Nose, its partners and any other third natural or legal person. In particular, they undertake to use the Site:

(i) by refraining from diverting it from its purpose for fraudulent or ill-intentioned purposes, and in particular for the purposes of causing harm,

(ii) by refraining from disrupting its operation, such as the voluntary or involuntary congestion of Nose servers and/or email recipients by wild mailing (spamming, bulk e-mail, junk e-mail or mail bombing) , the sending of attractive messages necessarily generating an imposing number of responses (teasing or trolling) which may thus disrupt the availability of said servers, by using computer viruses or any other code or program, designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the Site ,

(iii) by refraining from using it for commercial purposes, and thus from using it on a personal basis and not with the aim of illicitly taking advantage of Nose's investments through unfair and/or parasitic actions;

(iv) by refraining from misappropriating and/or usurping the identity of a third natural or legal person as well as the identifiers and passwords of other Users.

3.1.3. Where applicable, the User undertakes to use the iPads and/or self-service terminals and/or printers made available to them at the Nose store or by its partners in accordance with the instructions given to them by the staff. In any case, the User undertakes to use them with care, and not to use them for any purpose other than accessing the Nose application, nor to degrade or modify them.

3.2. Users’ obligations

3.2.1. Users undertake to provide Nose with a valid email address.

3.2.2. Nose informs Users that they are solely responsible for the use that may be made of their accounts. Any access to their account made from their identifiers and passwords will be deemed to have been made by the Users themselves. As such, they are required to take the necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of this data. In particular, Users are responsible for the use of their accounts by a minor placed under their parental authority.

3.2.3. At the end of their session on the iPads and/or self-service terminals made available to Users at the Nose store, Users are required to log out, by clicking on the appropriate insert, from their personal account.

3.2.4. In the event of misappropriation of their access codes, the User undertakes to notify Nose, without delay, by contacting it at the number +33 (0)1 86 47 72 76 or by email to the address or, where applicable, its partners.

3.3. Sanctions

Nose reserves the right to temporarily or permanently close any account where the User has failed to comply with one of the principles set out in article 3 of the T&Cs.

4. Intellectual property and personality rights

4.1. The Site as a whole, as well as the products and their packaging sold there, and each of the visual or audio elements which compose it (namely in particular the brands, logos, designs and models, illustrations, photographs, texts, animations, videograms, phonograms, software, source codes and databases) are the exclusive property of Nose or of the holders of the intellectual property rights concerned. All these elements are protected by copyright, trademark law, design law, patent law as well as by rights of his kind.

4.2 Consequently, any reproduction, communication, downloading, modification, intervention, extraction or total or partial use of any of these elements belonging to Nose or a third party, for any reason and for any medium whatsoever, to others purposes other than those strictly necessary for its operation and use, requires the prior written authorization of Nose or their owners, except when authorized by law.

4.3. The use, in any form whatsoever, by Users of certain elements of the Site, and in particular images and sounds, may also constitute an infringement of the personality rights of the holders of these rights.

4.4. The User declares and guarantees to be informed that in the event of failure to comply with any of these obligations, he or she is exposed to legal proceedings before the civil and/or criminal courts. Furthermore, in this case, Nose reserves the right to temporarily or permanently close any account with or through which the User has failed to comply with one of these principles.

5. changes to the general conditions of use

5.1. Nose may change its T&Cs (i) in application of a legislative or regulatory provision or (ii) to adapt them to changes in the activities and/or content of the Site.

5.2. In the case referred to in article 5.1, Users who have already created an account will be invited to read the modified T&Cs and, if they agree, to accept them.

5.3. If the User does not accept the modification of the T&Cs, their account and personal data will be deleted. In addition, the user then undertakes to no longer use the Site.

6. applicable law and competent jurisdiction

6.1. The Terms & Conditions of use are governed by French law and regulations.

6.2. In the event of a dispute, the User has the possibility, before any legal action, to resort to an amicable solution and in particular to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative method of dispute resolution. In particular, the User and/or Nose can resolve a dispute through the Online Dispute Resolution platform set up by the European Commission, accessible at the following address: From this platform, the parties can file an online appeal against the other, who will be informed. The Client and Nose will together choose an extrajudicial dispute resolution body to which the Dispute Resolution platform will transmit the dispute.

6.3. The French courts have jurisdiction.

6.4. However, if the User resides in a State other than France, he cannot be deprived of the protection provided to him by the mandatory rules of the legislation of his country of residence.

Version of October 3, 2024.