MAD ET LEN wishes to transmit the love of gesture in perfumery: Infusing the stones making up potpourris, for example, engages us physically and emotionally. This ritual, where the love of perfume mixes with the wisdom of the earth, transforms obsidian, amethyst amber and other mineral treasures into silent guardians of plants and their virtues. These materials, chosen for their ability to communicate with the invisible world of scents, release their fragrances gradually and gently. There, in the tranquility of our interiors, amber and stone become catalysts for emotions. This process, both tangible and ethereal, silently draws from the realm of plants, honoring their subtle healing power through the aromas they share as they gradually release their essences to awaken our senses.

In this alchemy between raw materials and perfumes MAD ET LEN aspires to offer a unique polysensory experience: Gestures and ritual become an act of creation and each fragrance is a bridge between the body and the imagination. It is the celebration of a form of beauty, a tribute to the evocative power of smells and their ability to transform spaces and moments into lasting memories. Made from simple formulas with ingredients that respect seasonal cycles, MAD ET LEN scents accurately transcribe natural smells. In a discreet celebration of life, they awaken the senses and revive tender memories like Proust's madeleine from which MAD ET LEN takes its name.

Unchanging rhythm, ritualization of gestures, quest for sobriety, virtuous materials, unique pieces, MAD ET LEN reconnects with the apothecary tradition, the quintessence of artisanal perfumery.