The wild flat oyster from the Arcachon Basin, ostrea edulis, revered since ancient times for its therapeutic virtues, is now at the heart of edulis care.

Subjected to the stress of the sea and its temperature variations, the shellfish has developed fascinating defense mechanisms that enhance its powers and biological value. Rich in proteins, amino acids, minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, chlorine, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus and manganese) and vitamins (C, B2, A, D, PP, B12), ostrea edulis contains everything the body and skin need to regenerate. Its flesh is also rich in lipids, mainly polyunsaturated fatty acids.

From technical and scientific observation of the shell, edulis has extracted nourishing, stimulating and tensing natural active ingredients to slow skin aging and repair the damage of time. and repair the damage of time. This patented oyster extract encapsulated in clay protects skin cells against the aggressions of sun, cold and wind, as well as the damaging effects of everyday stress.