For thousands of years, the sacred wood releases an aromatic essence that comes to life in a bewitching mix, impregnated with earthy notes of wood and incense. Coveted by shamans for centuries, it is believed that this spiritual wood has the power to protect and pave the way for good fortune. The warmth of the caramel, the sweetness of the tonka bean and the finesse of the vetiver merge in the intensity of the Palo Santo to create a fragrance that frees the spirits.
Coming from a long family of Spanish leather artisans, Sara founded Carner Barcelona in 2010 in order to create a perfume collection expressing the vitality of her hometown’s imagery and to perpetuate the Spanish craftsmanship’s culture. Each perfume box has a special message engraved on the inside panel evoking the emotion recalled by each fragrance. The different emotions evoked by whole perfume collection compose Carner Barcelona’s Mediterranean soul.