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Interview with one of the House's perfumers: David Chieze
David is an authentic young perfumer with an inspiring creative spirit. David focuses on perfecting the smallest details of his compositions through textural associations.
"Where does your inspiration come from?"
"I suppose it comes from the accumulation of various sensations from all the senses (visual, taste, smell, hearing), and from this accumulated experience (memories), crossed with knowledge of ingredients, comes intuition. So it comes, sometimes from a memory that I'd like to translate into a fragrance, or from something completely new that I want to try, that doesn't exist yet."
"What sense completes the olfactory experience the most?"
"Personally I would say: touch. Because I can often smell ""textures"" (smooth, rough, liquid, solid, vibrant, sharp etc...)"
"What can people expect from your fragrances?"
"I try to share my own experience and vision of the fragrances I create, so I guess my own ""point of view"", shared through smell even though I still have a lot to learn! Since I draw a lot of inspiration from nature, I think that is also reflected in my work: sometimes clashing, sometimes smooth, sometimes chaotic, sometimes peaceful, but I always try to find a balance."
"Do you think fragrances can inspire people?"
"Yes, it completes your image, enhances your mood if it's a scent you particularly like, and I suppose it can change the way you go about your day."
"What excites you the most?"
"Adventure, new places, new countries and cultures, where you can feel the authenticity of it (like a restaurant where the locals eat and the grandmother cooks) not tourist traps."