Inspired by his travels in the Middle East, the designer reveals with the 777 collection, his love for the Orient, which he considers the cradle of the universe. An olfactory journey into the Western imagination, where the East refers to visions of luxury and refinement. The 777 collection alludes to this imagination by adding the philosophical and spiritual approach of Stéphane Humbert Lucas.

A spiritual tribute first, with the choice of the number "7" which symbolizes perfection, excellence and self-realization. The number "7" is also a good luck charm, a universal number found in all religions, for example, in the Bible, God creates the world in seven days. In the Muslim religion, pilgrims turn seven times around the Kaaba in Mecca and for the Hindus, our body has seven sources of energy, the chakras. And we could continue the list...

The artist Stéphane Humbert Lucas also captures the essence of the oriental atmosphere through the design of his bottles and caps which refer to the architectural universe of oriental palaces: the muquarnas, decorations in stucco or wood which remind us of beehives, symbol of the transport of the souls to heaven.

The philosophical approach is nested in the smallest details of the bottle, look carefully .... You will find for example on the bottle of Black Gemstone, a black Swarovski crystal in the center of the bottle, a nod to the black stone of the Kaaba in Mecca.