Rae Morris has developed her secret formula for perfect eyes based on the Phi ratio. This particular ratio has been found in the most beautiful works of art (Leonardo da Vinci used it a lot), but also in nature itself (on flower petals for example).

The Phi ratio refers to the Fibonacci sequence, in which each integer is equal to the sum of the two terms that precede it. Also called the golden ratio, this ratio allows to reach the perfect proportion. Dating back to at least ancient Egypt, it was used in the elaboration of their sculptures and pyramids.

In developing her ideal eye makeup, Rae Morris wants to get as close as possible to the shape of the eyes of Egyptian goddesses, to make the eye more beautiful, softer and younger.

The makeup artist thus proposes a scientific approach to beauty, which can be applied to any eye shape. The application of this formula is based on different points:

- Aligned to the center of the pupil - Aligned with the inner edge of the iris

- Aligned with the inner corner of the lacyrmal canal

- Aligned with the lower apex of the iris

- To the point where the makeup is extended

In nine steps, Rae Morris describes all the details to have a perfect eye makeup, worthy of an Egyptian goddess.

Credits: Photographer Gavin O’Neill / Model: Lana Zakocela / Styling: Brandon Cannon / Hair: Noah Hatten