Black Tar, the scent of danger. A fragrance in the image of a tarred dead-end road where no one is master of his emotions. A murmur resounds. A woman of great beauty pronounces two words: Black tar. In this accord, the top note is composed of orange and tuberose. The scents of clove and salicylate reveal a spicy floral heart. Finally, woody notes of cedar, birch, oak moss and oud appear in the base. The perfumer offers a woody-floral scent with coppery accents.
May cause allergies. Helps to slow down the growth of micro-organisms on the skin and inhibits the development of microbes. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
May cause allergies. Produces a feeling of well-being on the skin and hair. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe.
benzyl alcohol
May cause allergies. Preservative of the raw materials of the fomule. Odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe and authorised up to 1% by European regulations.
*Diese Liste kann sich im Laufe der Zeit ändern. Bitte beachten Sie die Informationen auf Ihrer Produktverpackung, um die aktuellste Liste der Inhaltsstoffe zu erhalten.
Parfumerie Particulière
Die Unisex-Sammlung von Extraits de Parfum der Parfumerie Particulière bietet mehrere zeitgenössische olfaktorische Reisen als urbanes Kuriositätenkabinett an. Ausgestattet mit einer multisensorischen und erlebnisorientierten Vision von Luxus haben die Parfümeur-Meister Amelie Bourgeois und Anne Sophie Behaghel bei der Auswahl der Rohstoffe einen Freibrief und schlagen Kreationen vor, die oft unerwartet und manchmal kühn sind.