Le pinceau à lèvres

Use the brush to pick up lipstick. Draw the Cupid's bow by placing the tip of the brush on the lips, then draw the upper and lower contours of the mouth. Finally, colour the lips.

Clean the brush every two to four weeks, depending on use, with regular soap and water. Leave it to dry with the bristles facing down to prevent water from getting into the wooden part of the brush.
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This brush adapts to all lip shapes in order to draw the cupid's bow and define the contours of the mouth with precision before colouring the lips. With its beech wood handle and vegan fibre bristles, the La Bouche Rouge lip brush is a testament to traditional French know-how born in Saint-Brieuc in 1779.
Use the brush to pick up lipstick. Draw the Cupid's bow by placing the tip of the brush on the lips, then draw the upper and lower contours of the mouth. Finally, colour the lips.

Clean the brush every two to four weeks, depending on use, with regular soap and water. Leave it to dry with the bristles facing down to prevent water from getting into the wooden part of the brush.

La bouche rouge

Николя Герлье основал La bouche rouge в 2017 как ответ на загрязнение окружающей среды пластиком, связанное с косметической продукцией. Его проект: заново изобрести правила индустрии красоты. Вдохновленный будуаром своей бабушки, он разработал предметы красоты, элегантные, поскольку они эффективно раскрывают естественную красоту каждого человека. La bouche rouge призывает к иному способу потребления, к роскоши, уважающей людей, планету и будущие поколения.

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La bouche rouge