Enceladus, the natural moon of Saturn or the mythological son of Gaia. In the cosmic world, the blue planet is covered with snow, fresh water and possibly seismic activity. Like this perfume, this satellite represents the freshness and sweetness of rhubarb and vetiver. In mythology, Enceladus is buried underground in Sicily, which it still breathes through the smoke of the eruptions of the volcano Etna. It represents the strength and character of cedar and Australian sandalwood. A paradoxical fragrance that combines light and shadow, like a combination of the cold of the moon and the heat of an erupting volcano.
Naturally derived from essential oils used for its smell
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
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Marc Antoine Barrois
Основанный в Париже в 2009 французским модельером Марком-Антуаном Барруа, этот одноименный дом предлагает индивидуальные мужские модели одежды. В 2016 модный дом выпускает свой первый парфюм B683, созданный на основе творческого осмоса между кутюрье и парфюмером Квентином Бишем.