A fluffy and mysterious flower, mimosa is highly appreciated for its health benefits. Infused, the flower is known for its effectiveness in strengthening the immune system and is also valued for its antidepressant effect. Thanks to its diuretic action, mimosa is also known for its slimming virtues. It awakens the sweetness of honey thanks to its powdery notes of golden straw and almond. The taste experience is greedy and soothing. The infusion can be enjoyed both hot and iced.
디자인 공부를 마칠 때 쯤, Charlotte Baverel은 작은 시리즈 컬렉션을 출시하여 지역 농업을 활성화 하는 창작물을 개발하고자 하였습니다. 꿀벌에 대한 열정을 가진 약초 전문가와의 만남으로, 꽃에서 추출한 꿀에 대한 이야기를 전하는 프랑스 브랜드 Fleurs d' Hiver가 탄생했습니다.