A cleansing gel that purifies combination or oily skin.
A sugar-rich cleansing base that moisturizes even the most sensitive skin and preserves the pH. It also contains organically grown ingredients in their wild state: plantain, astrance and imperative flower. A composition of plants known for their purifying, soothing and clarifying virtues. The cleansing gel offers a skin deeply cleansed and prepared to receive care.
Apply a few drops of oil in the morning and evening after cleansing the face. An ideal complementary treatment for combination skin.
Susanne Kaufmann
Susanne Kaufmann aprendió los poderes curativos de las hierbas con su abuela. A la edad de 23, en 1993, se hizo cargo del Post and Spa Hotel de su familia en Bezau, Austria. Allí, desarrolló su línea de cuidado de la piel a partir de ingredientes alpinos naturales con un equipo de farmacéuticos y dermatólogos. En 2003, la marca comenzó a comercializarse.