La Couleur de la Nuit es un misterioso paseo nocturno por una ciudad asiática, iluminada por faroles rojos y luces de neón fluorescentes. De la fragancia emana la atmósfera oscura y húmeda, ligeramente iluminada por las luces parpadeantes de una película de Wong Kar-wai. La frescura de la lavanda trascendida por el geranio contrasta con el efecto oscuro y hechizante de la vainilla y el bálsamo de abeto, creando un elegante Claroscuro. Como las otras creaciones de esta marca, esta fragancia es 100% natural y está basada en alcohol de trigo orgánico.
Has astringent and toning properties. Provides a fresh feeling. Also used in combination with essential oils to avoid the use of preservatives. Can dry and irritate sensitive skin.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. Considered toxic only if inhaled. Limited dosage.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
Naturally derived from essential oils used for its smell
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe.
May cause allergies. Produces a feeling of well-being on the skin and hair. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
benzyl alcohol
May cause allergies. Preservative of the raw materials of the fomule. Odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe and authorised up to 1% by European regulations.
*Esta lista puede cambiar con el tiempo. consulte la información en el empaque de su producto para recibir la lista de ingredientes más actualizada.
Voyages Imaginaires
Ambas apasionadas por las materias primas naturales, la perfumista y fotógrafa Camille Goutal y la profesora de perfumería y entusiasta de la música Isabelle Doyen co-crearon Voyages Imaginaires en 2020. Las fragancias que componen esta colección, verdaderas creaciones de alta costura, se inspiran en sus viajes, reales o imaginarios, que las trasladan a recuerdos pasados y tierras desconocidas.