Le Grand Jeu는 코코넛 밀크, 튜베 로즈 및 치자 나무와 바닐라가 결합 된 눈부신 태양 아래서 아름다운 흰색을 떠올리게 합니다. 낮에는 무두질한 햇볕에 젖은 바디의 향기를 연상시킵니다. 강렬하고 관능적이고 매혹적인 향입니다. 그런 다음 밤이되면 우아한 이브닝 드레스를 입고 보내는 따뜻한 여름 저녁을 제안합니다.이 브랜드의 다른 제품과 마찬가지로 이 향은 100 % 천연이며 유기농 밀 알코올을 기본으로합니다.
Has astringent and toning properties. Provides a fresh feeling. Also used in combination with essential oils to avoid the use of preservatives. Can dry and irritate sensitive skin.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. Considered toxic only if inhaled. Limited dosage.
benzyl salicylate
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
May cause allergies. Produces a feeling of well-being on the skin and hair. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
benzyl alcohol
May cause allergies. Preservative of the raw materials of the fomule. Odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe and authorised up to 1% by European regulations.
Naturally derived from essential oils used for its smell
benzyl benzoate
May cause allergies. Helps to slow down the growth of micro-organisms on the skin and inhibits the development of microbes. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe. The limited dosage reduces the risk of allergies.
May cause allergies. Perfuming agent used to perfume cosmetics. An odorous molecule which is one of the 26 allergens regulated by Europe.
*이 목록은 시간이 지남에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다. 최신 성분 목록을 받으려면 제품 포장에 있는 정보를 참조하세요.
Voyages Imaginaires
천연 원료에 대한 열정으로 Goutal 향수의 상속인이자 사진작가인 Camille Goutal는 서정적인 음악을 사랑하는 조향사 및 교사인 Isabelle Doyen과 함께 2020 년 Voyages Imaginaires를 공동으로 설립하였습니다. 이 컬렉션을 구성하는 향수는 진정한 오뜨꾸뛰르로 실제 또는 상상의 여정에서 영감을 받아 과거의 추억과 미지의 땅으로 안내합니다.