In order to save the nymph Minthé from Persephone, Hades, king of the underground world, transformed it into a plant and gave it his own fragrance. Minth thus crossed the earth, blossomed and releaseed its fresh notes from the underworld ... Thus mint saw the light of day.

The Greeks believed mint to have an aphrodisiac power, to the point of forbidding it to the soldiers, who would have been incited to love. Today, the smell of mint is considered to relieve cold pains, headaches and digestion. 

Its heady scent, praised by Eddy Mitchell in the song Couleur menthe à l'eau, varies from one species to another: peppermint, which contains a lot of menthol, has an aromatic and fresh scent with an "icy" facet, while spearmint releases a more herbal and green smell, evoking the well-known chlorophyll scent. 

Discover below our selection of minty fragrances and candles.