At Proceanis, together with molecular biologists from the University of Hamburg, we have developed a broadband complex of hyaluronic acid for oral absorption. The goal of our research was and is to constantly increase the amount of orally absorbed hyaluronic acid that reaches the organism. The orally absorbed hyaluronic acid benefits the entire body and is supplemented where deficiencies build up with increasing age. A steady supply of orally ingested hyaluron keeps our whole body moist and juvenile. Of course, always in combination with water, of which one should consume 30-35ml per kilogram of body weight daily.

More than 50% of hyaluron in the body is found in connective tissue. Human skin is a viscoelastic system. The molecular linkage of collagen fibers in their viscous matrix determines the condition of the skin. Declining endogenous hyaluron production dehumidifies this viscous matrix, the collagenous fibers are no longer sufficiently "lubricated" and the skin tends to become more brittle and dry. Even though only about 10% of our hyaluron broadband complex reaches where it should, it helps to slow down these processes and keep the skin moist and elastic. By the way, 10% sounds little, but it is a lot and we at Proceanis are very proud of this value.

But hyaluronic acid can do more than "just" keep the skin moist and elastic. It is also responsible for other important functions or tasks in the body. For example, it also acts as a natural shock absorber and lubricant in our body. Water is difficult to compress. Thus, hyaluronic acid in the connective tissue causes water to be bound and thus protects against shocks and the effects of pressure. In the gelatinous core of the intervertebral discs, too, a gel of hyaluronic acid cushions the compressive forces that occur. This property is also called structural viscosity. In this way, the knee joint is also optimally cushioned against strong compressive forces that occur when running or jumping. The joint fluid acts like a shock absorber, so to speak. The important thing is movement, which stimulates metabolism and blood flow, allows nutrients to enter the synovial fluid and the synovial fluid to enter the articular cartilage. Stress compresses the cartilage like a sponge, releasing waste products and absorbing nutrients when the stress is relieved.

Hyaluronic acid also performs an important function in the vitreous humor of the eye. The vitreous body is the large, centrally placed area of the eyes that is translucent. Filled with a mixture of 2% hyaluronic acid and 98% water, it also provides an elastic and at the same time stable consistency of the vitreous body, its transparency and helps against dry eyes.

Orally ingested hyaluronic acid helps our body holistically and, in addition to radiant, moist skin, it also ensures our mobility and sufficient moisture in the eye. In general, it can be said that all processes in a body that consists mainly of water, the more moist the better. More water, more life!

This is what we are passionate about at Proceanis.